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Proven with low clarity liquids to <1% UVT!
Until now, conventional UV disinfection systems have not been regarded as viable for liquids with UVT below~40% for the simple reason that UV-C light struggles to transmit adequately through such liquids.

Because of its patented UV-C delivery system capable of ensuring high UV-C light intensities are maintained throughout the liquid being treated, NovoLabs™ Supercritical UV™ Disinfection system is a world-first solution for treating liquids with UVT as low as <1% in a single pass!

Developed at Massey University in New Zealand, the NovoLabs™ Supercritical UV™ reactor (SCUV) provides a breakthrough in UV disinfection technology for the effective treatment of process liquids and wastewaters.
06 354 0321

7/9 Noel Rodgers Place

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